

$24.86 inc. GST
SKU: 11233

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A unique polymer enhanced fast setting cement based mortar to plug running leaks and stop seeping water through cracks, holes and joints in concrete and masonry structures.


  •    • Stops water flow
  •    • Sets in approx 30 seconds after mixing and applying to running water
  •    • Permanent repair to problem leaks
  •    • Can be applied in submerged conditions
  •    • Abrasive resistant
  •    • Compatible with Gripset Betta Cemseal & Fix as a waterproofing system for underground areas prone to negative water seepage problems


  •    • Water Storage Tanks
  •    • Basements
  •    • Cellars
  •    • Building Foundations
  •    • Fish ponds, water features, pools


  •    • Best results achieved by exposing and cutting cracks, joints or holes to a minimum width and depth of 20mm.  If leaks are high volume, the depth can be increased to >40mm.
  •    • Where possible, cut sides as square as possible or form a dovetail section if practical.
  •    • Surface should be left rough with a good mechanical key.  Do not form a smooth surface or a feather edge finish.
  •    • Flush the area down with water removing all loose surface particles and foreign matter to mazimise adhesion of the Water Plug.
  •    • The surface to be treated must be dampened with clean water immediately prior to the application of the Water Plug.


As the application of the Betta Water Plug is designed to create an immediate seal against leaking water, preparing for the application is important to avoid loss of time.  Before commencing ensure the following items are prepared:

  •    • Remove the bag of Water Plug powder from the pail supplied, ensuring empty pail is clean ready for mixing in.
  •    • Access to clean water is required.  Water should be approx 20 degrees celcius.  If conditions are cold, it is recommended to use warm water to enable correct strength development of the Water Plug.
  •    • A clean spatula or trowel to mix product.
  •    • Rubber gloves.

Mixing should only be done by hand, do NOT mix with an electric stirrer or paddle

  •    • Best results achieved by mixing sufficient material that can be placed by hand in one application, approx 0.5kg
  •    • Apply Water Plug powder into the empty pail supplied, and then add water.  Mix quickly, forming a paste/putty mortar consistency.
  •    • As a mixing guide approx 150ml of clean water should be mixed to 1kg of powder.  This is a guide only, and depending on temperature and other ambient conditions this may vary by using a lesser or greater amount of water to form the correct working consistency.
  •    • Using a gloved hand, hold the mortar material until slight warmth is felt or signs of setting occur.
  •    • Then press the Water Plug mortar into the opening, and apply firm full pressure by hand or trowel.  The mortar will set within 30 seconds – 1 minute, slowly remove trowel or hand.
  •    • If the opening of the area being treated is large, work from the sides towards the centre, following the above instructions until the total area is covered with the Water Plug.
  •    • Once the active leak has stopped, the Water Plug patch can be sanded or grinded back to enable it to be level with the surrounding wall of floor surface area.
  •    • If sealing active leaks between wall/floor sections, cut out the crack/joint at a minimum 20mm wide, cutting back slightly into the wall.  In this application, best results are achieved by filling the void prepared and forming a 45 degree fillet or cove with the Water Plug mortar approx 40mm wide.

Note: To form a membrane system over the Betta Water Plug to protect the area against future dampness and moisture seepage e.g. for internal basements and cellars, external wall areas or tank, over coating pipes etc. apply Betta Cemseal & Fix membrane after the Water Plug application.  For more details, refer to Cemseal & Fix product details.


  •    • Final setting time is 2-4 minutes.
  •    • Once the Betta Water Plug mortar has stiffened and has set, dampend with clean water by a mist or light sponge and keep dampf for approx 15 minutes.
  •    • In cold conditions, low temperatures will result in a slower curing rate.  Warm water will assist in avoiding a prolonged setting and curing time.
  •    • In warmer conditions, higher temperatures of 30 degrees celsius  or higher will increase the curing rate.  Using cold water will delay the setting time and may be considered.
Dangerous Goods Yes
Bulky Items No
Unit of Measurement EACH
Allow Rewards No